Tucson Gem Shows-Kents Tools

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If you attend the Tucson Shows you expect Kent’s Tools to have a large display at Kino. This year the have only a small display of shop tools and assorted things for shoppers like small plastic envelopes and such.

Have no fear Kent’s fans. You can drive to their own new tool shop located at 2745 N. First Avenue, not far from their old permanent location in town. The have hustled and bustled to move their normal inventory that was always on display at the Kino show, so if you still need those hard-to-find drills, buffs, bags and boxes, pliers, tools, whatzits and doodads, go to the store. It is located at a separate show in the Tucson Show Guide.

This blog is a short version of my normal adventure blog, but I had to rest up from all my exploring! Besides it was cold again yesterday, and we tried to stay inside. Bonnie found a bead show. Luckily I finally found a “guy chair” there. (Yawn.) I promise a new blog tomorrow.

The reason they had to move from their original locale is their store was on one side of the road and their storage on the other. They are widening Grant (?) and the storage building was being removed as we understand it.

See you later today.