Strolling the Mineral and Fossil Marketplace Main Street Shows


Many small show down this way.

Mineral & Fossil Marketplace

Loads of variety at this show.

Several Mineral and Fossil Shows populate the area north of town on Main Street.  We enjoy the Mineral and Fossil Marketplace which is open tents of different vendors, a nice breeze, some rough pavement, a bit of shade under the tents.

Which one is natural?

All dyed

Even though this is dyed, I sort of liked it.

Saber tooth carving with nice teeth.

Unicorn was cuit.

At Australian Outback Mining we always find a treasure or two.  I originally thought my selected piece was tiger iron would make fine jewelry.  My wife observed that is it Marra Mamba that is more desirable.  At careful examination it did indeed have blue in it, and lesser amounts of hematite and a positive ID was made by the vendor.  I think the dealer missed this ID before he put it on the sale table. since it was on the unpolished side.   I also found a nice Noreena Jasper.  He had a good quantity of peanut wood this year which has been in short supply in some years. He mentioned that next year he will be at a different location further down Main Street.

The Labradorite was shining in the sun.

Crysta-lined Septarian Nodule eggs

Need a new sink or fountain?

This wine holder was a great idea.

Petrified wood bowl.

Roc 3000 has interesting rocks and minerals.  Lots of crystals, labradorite, and small fossils were available. The small carved animals that you see so often were available in quantity here.  I thought the saber toothed tiger with inserted carved white teeth was above out of the ordinary. If you needed some carved rock sinks to add to your decor, this are would be your source.  Bonnie lifted one of the carved soap dishes and decided that it wasn’t going home with her.

A vendor mentioned that he had a degree in mining and I asked him if he had ever worked in the Upper Peninsula.  Surprisingly he had been the mining engineer at White Pine Mine in the Keweenaw.  Bonnie admired some vintage turquoise bead necklaces and cabochons, but was determined to hang on to her money.

I’ll let you figure out how much 440kg is. It’s probably more that you can lift!

Azurite-Malachite from Bisbee

I can see my house with the Crinoid filled plate wall.

Nice assortmernt of Meteorites (Fireball Meteorites)

Palliside Meteorite

A large Siracho pallasite meteorite was on display.  You wouldn’t have survived a landing of that!

In a permanent building there was another great dinosaur display by Paleo Web. Fireball meteorites had a find selection of meteorites from different locations.  Paleo Tools has useful things, including t-shirts for the fossil lovers.  In a nearby tent, an interesting and wall sized fossil plate with detailed crinoid fossils.  Usually we see just the bits of crinoid stem, but there is a whole “flower” of tentacles creating the creatures.

You will find great deals, good quality, free parking, and lesser crowds here than in most venues. never been disappointed at the show.